
Showing posts from 2016

Models of Transport Development

In the reconstruction of a region or a nation, transport systems invariably play a vital role. The growth and development of transportation provides a medium, contributing to the progress of agriculture, industry, commerce, administration, defence, education, health or any other community activity. Many of the regional characteristics that are influencing the layout of the existing transformational system are the creation of their antecedent transformational features. The present-day transport network has evolved out of the past framework because as trail evolves successfully into the pioneer dirt road, then into the improved farm road and finally, into the present day paved highways with heavy motor traffic. Many factors are involved in the development of a transport system. The present-day transport system of a country or a region cannot be explained by one factor alone. In fact, services of interrelated factors are responsible for the development of transport system as depicted ...

Union Government releases a new four-colour classification scheme for industries based on their pollution potential

Union Government has released a new  four-colour classification  scheme for industries based on their pollution potential. The four-colour classification scheme of industrial sectors based on the  Pollution Index  (PI) . Pollution Index  is a function of the (i) Emissions (air pollutants) (ii) Effluents (water pollutants) (iii) hazardous wastes generated and (iv) Consumption of resources. Under the new categorisation system, industries which pollute the most have been put in the  red category  while the moderately polluting units are classified in  orange category . Industries that have a significantly low  polluton  load have been placed in the  green category  while those that operate without causing any pollution have been categorised in  white category . Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) compares various alternatives for a project and seeks to identify the one which represents the best combination of ec...

World Environment Day 5 June

World Environment Day aims to inspire more people than ever before to take action to prevent the growing strain on planet Earth’s natural systems from reaching the breaking point. The  2016 theme highlights the fight against the illegal trade in wildlife , which erodes precious biodiversity and threatens the survival of elephants, rhinos and tigers, as well as many other species. It also undermines our economies, communities and security.  This year’s slogan "Go Wild for Life"  encourages you to spread the word about wildlife crime and the damage it does, and to challenge all those around you to do what they can to prevent it.  The booming illegal trade in wildlife products is eroding Earth’s precious biodiversity, robbing us of our natural heritage and driving whole species to the brink of extinction. The killing and smuggling is also undermining economies and ecoystems, fuelling organized crime, and feeding corruption and insecurity across the globe. Wil...

On World Day, UN urges meaningful action to protect future health of oceans

Healthy oceans are critical to sustaining life on Earth, by regulating the climate and providing a wide range of services, including natural resources, nutritious food and jobs that benefit billions of people, United Nations  Secretary-General  Ban Ki-moon declared today, as the UN kicked off its celebrations to mark World Oceans Day. “Healthy oceans are essential for a healthy planet and a healthy future for us all,” the Secretary-General affirmed in his  message  for the  Day , which is observed annually on 8 June. This year’s theme,  Healthy oceans, healthy planet , spotlights the threat of plastic pollution, which degrades very slowly, polluting waterways and impacting the health of aquatic animals, which mistake the microbeads for food, as well as the health of humans. In his message, the Secretary-General underscored that in order to protect the health of oceans, it is crucial to know their current state, and also understand the im...

Why are many Indian Muslims seen as untouchable?

Image copyright AFP Image caption Untouchability among Muslims is rarely discussed Untouchability is worse than slavery, said Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar, one of India's greatest statesmen and the undisputed leader of the country's Dalits. Dalits (formerly known as untouchables) are some of the republic's most wretched citizens because of an unforgiving Hindu caste hierarchy that condemns them to the bottom of the heap. Although untouchability among Hindus is widely documented and debated, its existence among India's Muslims is rarely discussed. One reason possibly is that Islam does not recognise caste, and promotes equality and egalitarianism. Most of India's 140 million Muslims are descended from local converts. Many of them converted to Islam to escape Hindu upper-caste oppression. 'Lived reality' Their descendants form the overwhelming majority - 75% - of the present Indian Muslim population, and they are called the  Dalit Muslims , according ...

सुकन्‍या समृद्धि खाता: बालिकाओं के सु‍रक्षित भविष्‍य की प्रतिबद्धता

लड़कों को प्राथमिकता देने वाली रुढि़वादी और गलत मानसिकता के कारण कुछ लोग कन्‍या भ्रूण हत्‍या कर देते हैं। इसके कारण देश में लैंगिक अनुपात में असमानता पैदा होती है। 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार बाल लिंग अनुपात 914 दर्ज किया गया, जो स्‍वतंत्रता के बाद न्‍यूनतम है।       संयुक्‍त राष्‍ट्र ने इसी वर्ष जो रिपोर्ट प्रकाशित की थी, उसमें इस स्थिति को  ‘ आपातकालीन ’   के रूप में उल्‍लेखित किया गया है। रिपोर्ट में इसका कारण देश में अवैध रूप से किए जाने वाले गर्भपात को बताया गया था।       रिपोर्ट में यह भी कहा गया था कि देश के समाजिक ढांचे में पुरुषों के बर्चस्‍व को रोकने के लिए तुरंत उपाय किए जाने चाहिए। इसके लिए स्‍कूली और उच्‍च शिक्षा को महत्‍पूर्ण घटक के रूप में पेश किया गया था ताकि लोग लिंग अनुपात के प्रति जागरुक हो सकें।       जनवरी 2015 में केंद्र सरकार ने  ‘ बेटी बचाओ, बेटी पढ़ाओ ’   योजना शुरू की, जिसका उद्देश्‍य लड़कियों के प्रति लोगों की मानसिकता में सकारात्‍मक परिवर्तन लाना है ताकि ल...